Descubra las recetas más sabrosas y saludables que puede preparar con nuestros productos.
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*The order of the sequences may not be exactly as we propose in this script, since until we start filming we will not be completely...
Toast a few slices of bread in a pan with a dash of olive oil. Peel the avocado and put it in a bowl with...
Cut the tomato into slices and serve on a large plate. Drain the burrata well and discard the liquid in which it was preserved. Place...
Spread a plastic wrap on a cutting board and add the prawns with a drizzle of olive oil. Wrap them with the paper and flatten...
Flatten the bread slices with a rolling pin until they are flat and thin. Then spread the bread with a layer of tartar sauce and...
Preheat the oven to 200ºC. In a bowl, mix the honey with the goat cheese and the salmon SHIKRAN® spheres. Place a teaspoon of the...
– Separate the egg whites from the yolks – Clarify the butter in a saucepan, separating the fat from the whey. – Beat the egg...
Place the butter in a large pot and let it melt. Then add the white part of the leeks, cut into thin slices, and cook...
Cook the eggs in a saucepan with water. Once the water begins to boil, let them cook for 7 minutes. Remove, peel and set aside....