Soy is one of the main ingredients in the millenary Asian gastronomy, and its use has spread out over the last years. And now these spheres arrive to your kitchen with an innovative form to provide you with that special touch that elevates any dish.
Allergens: Contains soy and soy products.
Contains cereals containing gluten.
Packaging: Vacuum-packed in glass jar.
In 50 and 200 g glass jar.
Colour does not fade.
It can be mixed with sauces
or whatever you want.
Low in calories.
You can cook it.
Use it hot or cold.
Do not freeze.
Keep in a cool dry place
away from direct sunlight.
Once opened, keep
between 2º C and 12º C
and consume within
10 days.
semi-preserved food. Pasteurized.
Tuesta unas rebanadas de pan en una sartén con una pizca de aceite de oliva. Pela el aguacate y pon...
40 years of experience investing in innovation,
gastronomic quality and excellence.
+34 968 693 727 | |
Polígono Industrial “Los Torraos”. Calle Valencia, 1. 30563 Ceutí, Murcia. España Calle de Triana, 53. 28016 Madrid. España
EUROCAVIAR S.A. has participated in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Programme, with the support of ICEX and the co-financing of European ERDF funds. The aim of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.
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